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Find Square

Find Square offers a range of effective solutions regarding finding, booking and managing various spaces as well as related services for individuals and businesses.

I led the UX design revamp of Find Square’s Web Platform, Dashboard, and Mobile Apps to improve usability for end-users and streamline workflows for service providers, boosting bookings from zero to 250+ in One Month through thoughtful design and seamless user experience.

My Role ✦

Product Design Lead __ UX Strategy, UX Research, UX Design, Interaction Design Mobile, Visual Design Mobile, Rapid Prototyping Mobile, and Usability Testing.


Azzam Al Hadlaq - Co-Founder | Entrepreneur
Abdelrahman - Co-Founder | Product Manager
Mohamed Elhady - UX/UI Designer

Mohamed Amr - UI Designer
Abdelrahman Desokki - Web Development Lead 
Hesham Monaem - Mobile Development Lead

Timeline & Status

3 Months - Launched in March 2024.


Find Square is a Gulf-based platform enabling users to book venues like conference rooms, private offices, and training spaces from service providers.

Find Square is a Gulf-based platform enabling users to book venues like conference rooms, private offices, and training spaces from service providers.

I spearheaded the complete redesign of its website, dashboard, and mobile apps for iOS and Android, aligning with business goals to enhance usability and drive engagement.

By focusing on user needs and service provider efficiency, I crafted a seamless experience that transformed bookings from zero to over 250 within the first month post-launch.

My role included end-to-end design direction, ensuring a cohesive, user-centered solution that significantly impacted both user satisfaction and business growth.

Project objectives ✦

Providing an easy and intuitive user interface that facilitates the process of:

  • Browsing and searching the platform (for end-user).
  • Manage workspaces and bookings (for service providers).

Booking Venues:
Provide comprehensive and accurate information about each co-working space, including location, available services, prices, and ratings so users can easy book venues.

User experience:
Improve user experience by providing personalized recommendations based on user interests and needs.

__Problem Statement
Problem Statement ✦

The main problem that Find Square is trying to solve is poor awareness and difficulty accessing co-working spaces in the Gulf region.

Individuals and entrepreneurs may face difficulty in finding suitable workspaces that suit their needs due to the dispersion of information and lack of availability of comprehensive platforms.

Furthermore, it can be difficult for co-working space owners to promote their services and attract potential clients.

Target audience ✦

Individuals looking for co-working spaces for personal use.

Entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses looking for co-working spaces to work and collaborate.

Space owners:
Co-working space owners who want to market their services and attract new users.

__Design Process


Design Brief

Stakeholder Interview 
Competitive Analysis

User Research


Scope of Work
User Personas

Journey Map


Site Map
User Flows

Visual Design


Web Platform and Dashboard
Mobile App iOS & Android 
Mobile Dashboard
Testing & Analysis

Apply Feedback

__Timeline ✦

Stakeholder interview

In communication with the client and their team, I identify the main points of the project and the scope of work. This stage helps to create a product that specifically addresses the user's problems and assists them in accomplishing their tasks. It also allows me to obtain clear answers to some of the questions I have, as shown below.

__Who are our audience?

  1. Individuals looking for co-working spaces for personal use.
  2. Entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses looking for co-working spaces to work and collaborate.
  3. Co-working space owners who want to market their services and attract new users.
__What makes you stand out?

  1. The platform allows users, both individuals and businesses, to explore and find spaces and venues around the Gulf region that are equipped with services that meet their needs.
  2. The platform allows space owners to manage their space's venues, bookings, services provided, and more across branches.
__Prioritizing the core features?

Live follow-up and chat with staff during the booking.


The process of booking the venue and completing the payment process through the platform.


Track clients' booking history and their reviews.

User Research

User research is crucial for understanding the needs, preferences, and pain points of Find Square’s audience.

__Who are our audience?

  1. Individuals looking for co-working spaces for personal use.
  2. Entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses looking for co-working spaces to work and collaborate.
  3. Co-working space owners who want to market their services and attract new users.
__What makes you stand out?

  1. The platform allows users, both individuals and businesses, to explore and find spaces and venues around the Gulf region that are equipped with services that meet their needs.
  2. The platform allows space owners to manage their space's venues, bookings, services provided, and more across branches.
__Prioritizing the core features?

Live follow-up and chat with staff during the booking.


The process of booking the venue and completing the payment process through the platform.


Track clients' booking history and their reviews.

__User interviews

I conducted semi-structured remote user interviews (30-40 minutes Max), and below are some of the questions from the interview script that I used as a guide.

  1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and your current Role / Organization / Business?
  2. When was the last time you needed to book a co-workspace venue?
  3. Can you walk me through your journey of finding a suitable venue for your needs?
  4. For what purpose did you need the venue? and How often do you book venues?
  5. Are all your bookings for the same purpose, or are there other purposes?
  6. Have you encountered any challenges or difficulties during the booking process? (yes), please explain in detail.
  7. How important is it for you to have access to customer reviews and ratings when selecting a venue?
  8. How do you prefer to communicate with venue owners or service providers?
  9. ........................ Few More Questions and follow-ups
  10. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with booking Venues / Co-working spaces?
__User Survey insights

How do you book a venue, usually?

Online (Website - Mobile app)



What types of venues do you typically book?

Shared disk


Private Office


Training Room

What is your gender?




How frequently do you book venues?

0 - 4 times a Month


5 - 10 times a Month


11 - 20 times a Month

What is your age?






Have you booked a workspace venue before?




__Competitive analysis

Research Goals:

It is necessary to conduct competitor analysis as it is a strategic evaluation to identify the competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities with a focus on evaluating the user experience offered by the competitors' platforms and applications.

Understanding the competitive landscape, Identifying UX best practices, Discovering areas for improvement, Informing feature prioritization, and Supporting decision-making.

Comparison Aspects

  1. General Information
  2. Unique value proposition
  3. Disadvantages
  4. Visual documentation
  5. User Experience Features.
Users’ Personas

Abdelrahman Al Haaj

Primary persona


40 Years old




Abdelrahman is a 40-year-old entrepreneur from Dubai, UEA. He recently launched his tech startup and is in the initial stages of building his team. Ahmed understands the importance of a productive workspace and wants to provide his team with a professional and inspiring environment to fuel their creativity.

Goals and needs:

  • Find a co-working space that offers flexible plans suitable for growing startups.
  • Access a variety of amenities, such as meeting rooms, high-speed internet, and printing facilities.
  • Easily compare pricing and features of different co-working spaces to make informed decisions.
  • Manage bookings and track expenses related to workspace rentals.
Frustration and pain points:

  • Limited knowledge about co-working spaces beyond major cities.
  • Difficulty in finding co-working spaces that cater specifically to startup needs.
  • Time-consuming process of contacting multiple co-working spaces to gather information.
  • Uncertainty about the quality and reliability of the amenities and services provided.

Khadija Al Hakami

Primary persona


32 Years old




Khadija is a 32-year-old freelance graphic designer based in Jeddah. She has been working independently for the past five years and enjoys the flexibility that comes with freelancing. Sarah often finds herself working from home, but she occasionally seeks co-working spaces to have a more professional environment and interact with like-minded individuals.

Goals and needs:

  • Find a co-working space that offers a creative and vibrant atmosphere to enhance her productivity.
  • Access reliable and up-to-date information about co-working spaces in the Gulf region.
  • Connect with a community of freelancers and entrepreneurs to network and collaborate on projects.
  • Easily book workspaces and amenities based on her specific requirements.
Frustration and pain points:

  • Limited knowledge about the available co-working spaces and their unique offerings.
  • Difficulty in finding a co-working space that aligns with her preferences and budget.
  • Time-consuming process of comparing different co-working spaces and their amenities.
  • Lack of a supportive community to connect and collaborate with.
__Users’ Journey Map

This is the journey map for the a user trying to book a venue through Find Square before the revamp.

__Information Architecture
__IA Site Maps


__IA User flows

This is a sample user flow for the end user booking a venue instantly.

__Dashboard Wireframes Hi-fi

Service Provider Admin Dashboard

__End-User App Wireframes Hi-fi

__Visual Design
__End-User Mobile App

__Dashboard Mobile App

Thank You! 😊